Terms and Conditions

The parties hereby agree as follows:

Tutoring Services

It is agreed that the Tutor shall be engaged by the Guardians for the provision of tutoring services (the “Tutoring Services”) to xxx (the “Students”), delivered online. In addition, the Tutor shall provide periodic Student performance reviews and reports after every module.

Fee Agreement

The Tutoring Services shall be provided by the Tutor at the hourly rate of £60 per hour. This includes 55 minutes of tutoring and 5 minutes to check-in about progress and scheduling for a 60-minute lesson, or 85 minutes of tutoring and 5 minutes to check-in about progress and scheduling for a 90-minute lesson. Where the Tutoring Services are provided in person at the Tutoring Location (or other reasonable location agreed between the parties).


The Tutoring Services shall generally be provided by the Tutor on or such other weekly schedule as may be agreed between the Tutor and the Guardians from time to time. Unless the Tutor hears otherwise from the Guardians, the Tutor shall provide the Tutoring Services to the Students at the Tutoring Location in accordance with the schedule above.


The Tutor shall invoice the Students monthly, on the last working day of each calendar month. The Students shall pay the invoice within 7 business days of receipt of the invoice. In the event of late payments, a 5% interest charge will be applied to the overdue amount for every 7 days the payment remains unpaid. If payment is not received within 30 days of the due date, the Tutor reserves the right to seek remuneration via legal action, which may include proceedings in small claims court, in accordance with UK law.


A tutoring session may be cancelled without penalty up to 24 hours before the scheduled session, but fees shall be due in respect of cancellations made with less than 24 hours’ notice. Notice of cancellation may be made by email to thomas@hrbeducation.co.uk, or via phone call, text or WhatsApp message to 07757 961 893.


This Tutoring Agreement may be terminated by either party with three weeks’ notice, subject to the cancellation policy guidelines above. If the Tutor must terminate the Tutoring Agreement for any reason, he/she will endeavour to provide maximum notice and agrees to provide reports and references for the Students as may be required for their future school applications or for other purposes, if requested.